Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri Kerja Bahasa Inggris

Bandung, October 23 2007



It is with great sorrow that I am hereby tendering my resignation to you.

Please accept this letter as formal notice of my resignation from the position of Web Designer, with effect from 1 November 2007.

I appreciate having had the opportunity of being a member of PT XXX for more than one year and offer my best wishes for your continued success.

If I can be of any assistance during this transition, please let me know.


Muhammad Imansyah

3 Responses to Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri Kerja Bahasa Inggris

  1. candil.... berkata:

    teu ngarto ah,abdi mah urang sunda,punten,,,,,

  2. temaram berkata:

    apo iteuh

  3. yovita berkata:

    kang bisa tolong saya???
    bisa kasih contoh surat pengunduran diri study sementara ( inggris ) buat saya kirim ke kampus saya di australi, surat yang sopan supaya ga bikin tersinggung, thx sebelum nya

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